Submissions encouraged! Send in a caption and a photo and we’ll showcase your loved one.
Cheeto, born August of 2020, is very extroverted. He enjoys staring out windows and hiding in laundry baskets.
G, born April of 2019, is more reserved. She prefers to hide under beds and threaten birds in her spare time.
This is goblin and they swat at J and Chase whenever they talk about Nietzsche.
Biscuit, 11, is Lauren’s dog! They’re very polite and also missing a toe.
Introducing the pets of the people’s champions!
This is asya’s dog kooper! he’s a husky that’s 2 years old, loves flipping his food over, pulling all nighters with me while i prep, and super long walks (that become runs on the downhill).
This is Dimarvin’s dog Lili! If they wanted more background info here, they should’ve given it to Asya 😭
This is Pepper! He’s turning 15 years old in May 2022 and hangs out with Sophia Dal Pra from the University of Kentucky. He got hit by a car as a kitten and ever since he’s had a taste for luxury. If you are not feeding him a type of raw meat that he craves at that very moment he will refuse it. His favorites are tuna, chicken liver, and beef fat. He was formerly rejected from a different blog for not meeting “T -Dogs,” despite gaining intense debate knowledge while sitting on Sophia’s lap when they watched countless debates and lectures.
This is Rosie, Pepper’s twin sister. She also hangs out with Sophia. This is very cute because Sophia is also a twin. She is quite elegant and has an ear for good music. She especially likes the harmonica and acoustic guitar, and folk revival music. She is also partial to west coast cool jazz. She is a big Twin Peaks fan and is constantly theorizing about David Lynch films on various subreddits.
This is Juniper! She primarily hangs out with Lindsay, who is a gmu debater, but very much enjoys the company of her stepmother, ceili, a gmu alum. Her favorite activities are sitting on laptops, playing with her fish toys, and most of all biting toes. 🐙
Jace is the bestest boy. In his spare time he loves going on long walks, eating ice cubes, and lounging around outside.
This is Rocko. They hang out with Jaxon Porterfield, former University of Wyoming debater and current graduate assistant at Missouri State. They can be found bombarding Jaxon’s zoom when judging and also through their social media presence – @rockoroni
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